The Center on Colfax is a safe and welcoming place for our proud, diverse LGBTQ community. When you visit our space, you'll be affirmed and accepted, heard and understood. Stop by today and connect!

Contact & Map

(303) 733-7743

1301 E. Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80218

Plan Your Visit

Hours of Operation

Do you have a question for us? We’re available via email at, or by phone Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 303-733-7743.

Please keep an eye on our website for updates as to when we will be able to resume regular programming.

Holiday Closures

The Center on Colfax is closed on the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • President's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day


Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

The Center on Colfax aspires to be inclusive of all people regardless of ability. Accessibility considerations informed the design of our physical space and website, and assistance for the hearing or visually impaired can be provided on an as-needed basis for The Center's meetings, events and programs.

Please notify The Center on Colfax via email at at least two weeks prior to attending a meeting, event, or program to discuss any necessary accommodations. If you have additional accessibility needs that you would like addressed by The Center, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Restroom Facilities

The Center on Colfax's restroom facilities are single stall, gender-neutral and ADA-accessible.


Parking in The Center on Colfax's lot is limited. ADA-accessible parking spaces are available at the front of the building. On-street parking is also available. We advise that you do not park in the lots of our neighboring merchants, as towing is enforced by these merchants 24/7.

Plan Your Visit

Hours of Operation

Do you have a question for us? We’re available via email at, or by phone Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 303-733-7743.

Please keep an eye on our website for updates as to when we will be able to resume regular programming.

Holiday Closures

The Center on Colfax is closed on the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • President's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day

Code Of Conduct

The Center’s Code of Conduct ensures that everyone at The Center is treated with courtesy and respect and ensures a safe environment for all.

Expectations you can count on as a patron of The Center:
  • Considerate and respectful treatment and care
  • A clean, safe and welcoming facility
  • A fair process for resolving complaints and grievances
  • Approachable staff who are easily accessible

Each individual at The Center has the responsibility to behave in a manner that is respectful and courteous and does not disrupt the operations or program of The Center. Organizations hosting events are responsible for their guests. The Center on Colfax is on private property. Guests are subject to trespassing ordinances of the City and County of Denver. Security cameras are in use inside and outside of the Center.

Ground Rules and Responsibilities of Guests of The Center:

  • It is not acceptable to be rude, discourteous or use discriminatory language
  • No filming or photography without prior permission
  • No smoking permitted on Center property
  • No use of radios, MP3 players, etc. without headphones
  • No sleeping is permitted at The Center

The Center has ZERO TOLERANCE for any illegal activities including:

  • Possession, sale or use of illegal substances
  • Possession or use of weapons
  • Sexual harassment, inappropriate touching or sexual activities
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Physical or emotional violence or threat of violence
  • Sexual or financial solicitation
  • Any other behavior that endangers the safety of any individual or group

Violations of The Center’s Code of Conduct will result in removal and/or permanent dismissal from The Center’s facility and a report to the Denver Police Department if necessary. Building problems or observance of activities against The Center’s Code of Conduct should be reported to the front desk immediately.

Anyone who feels they have been treated unreasonably by Center staff may contact the CEO at extension 106.